Zelda Lithgow shared this picture of her grandfather Pietro (Peter) Caproni outside his shop at 5 High Street, Tillicoultry. Note that the sign on the glass advertising ‘The Tillicoultry Billiard Saloon’. Combined Cafe/ Billiard Saloons were not uncommon at this time.
Pietro (age 34) is listed at 9 High Street, Tillicoultry in the 1911 Census with his Scottish-born wife, Lizzie (27), and daughters Ines (9), Bella (7) and Lena age (3). The two elder children were born in Dundee and the younger in Tillicoultry – placing the families arrival in Tillicoultry between 1904 and 1908.
The Censimento of 1933 records Pietro as hailing from Lucca Province.
One of Pietro’s descendants, Peter Caproni, played for Stirling Albon in the 1960s.
The site of the Caproni business has been absorbed by the Bridge Inn.