Rosa Visocchi (1837-) married Andrea Macari (??-??)

Rosa Visocchi was born about 1837. She married Andrea Macari. Rosa died at 47 King Street, Ayr (age 69) on 13 May 1906. She was survived by Andrea

It is believed that Andrea and Rosa had three children:

Luigi Macari born 5 April 1861, Casalattico. Died 21 April 1861, Caslattico.

Luigi Macari born 20 July 1864, Casalattico.

Maria Alessandra Macari born 21 September 1865, Casalattico

Rosa’s son, Luigi, signed her death certificate.

Wills and Administrations, 1956 list:

Macari, Luigi of 16 Gallowgate, Largs died 26 October 1955. Confirmation of Antonia Macari or Macari widow and Daniel McKellar bank manager. Sealed London 15 June.

There is a death Cerficate for a Luigi Macari for the above date. Residence 16 Esplande, Largs. Married to Antonio Macari. Parents: Antonio Macari, Farmer, deceased and Giustinia Macari ms Macari, deceased. A son, Albert Macari, 216 High Road Leytonstone, London, E11 signed the  certificate.

Luigi’s age on the certificate is given as 71. According to his reputed birth date he would have been 89.

An Antonia Macari died, age 92, in Largs in 1980.

Further research is required.