Benedetto Visocchi (1838-1906) married (i) Rosa Fortuna (1843-1871) & (ii) Angelina Visocchi (1850-1900)

Benedetto Visocchi was born in Atina. He married Rosa Fortuna, with whom he had two children:

• Fiorina Visocchi born December 1864 in Atina. Married Benedetto Barilone.

• Agostino Visocchi born 31 May 1879 in Italy.

His wife , Rosa, passed away in 1871.

He married Angelina Visocchi in 1871. Benedetto and Angelina had three children:

• Andrea (Andrew) Visocchi born 8 October, Caserta, Italy.

• John Visocchi born 27 January 1886, St Angelo, Italy. Married Philomana Visocchi.

• Joseph Benedetto Visocchi born 24 November 1892, St Elia Fiumerapido.

Benedetto and family emigrated to the United Staes in 1895. His wife Angelina passed away in 1900. The family was living in Suffolk, Massachusetts. Benedetto died, age 65, on 7 February 1906 in Boston.

Information for this line from the ‘Peter Waldron’ Ancestry Tree owned by (mwaljwal, Maynard, MA and Naples,FL)