Ann McCreath (c.1835-1923) married Alexander McDonald

Ann (Annie ) McCreath (84) died at the Old Woman’s Refuge, 81 Rottenrow, Glasgow on 12 April 1923.  She is recorded as the widow of (sic) John  McDonald (Ship Fireman).  The informant was her niece Margaret Milroy, 193 Holmlea Road, Cathcart. It appears that Ann’s husband’s forename was wrongly recorded.

In 1911 Ann is listed as the head of household at 105 Taylor Street, Townhead.

The family comprised:

Ann McDonald (76) Head. Widow

Flora Boak (49) Dau. Widow. Dressmaker (Home worker)

James Boak (22) Grandson. Shipbuilders Engineer

Annie Boak (20) Grandaughter. Dressmaker

Was Flora Boak  born on N.Uist ?

Another daughter, Isabella McDonald (25) is listed in the 1901 Census, also at 105 Taylor Street. Born Dalmellington?.  She was a Fruiterer.

Flora Boak (66) widow of Robert Boak, Grocer’s Assistant, died at 159 Cathedral Street, Glasgow, on  7 April 1927. Her parents are listed as Alexander Macdonald (dec) and (sic) Ann McMillan (dec) . Informant was her daughter, Annie Henderson. 

There was only one Flora Boak listed between 1862 and 1962, suggesting a clerical error in her mother’s surname.

Robert Boak died, age 26, of TB (Pthisis Pulmonalis) on 22 September 1891 at Cadder.

James Boak (29), an Enginefitter, married Elizabeth S Kennedy (29), a Telephonist, on 27 June 1918 at Burlington House, Glasgow.

More GRO research need to be done on this branch.