My McCreath Family Tree goes back to 1685. Its progenitor is David McCreath who married Agnes Clerk.
For some 20 years, with the help and encouragement of a number of cousins worldwide, I have been documenting the off-spring to the present day of David and Agnes.
This website is being developed to share my findings. It is hoped that it will be widely used – especially amongst any of the younger generation curious about their genealogical heritage.

As well as researching my McCreath line, I have also been working on:
My late wife’s McLean line / Robertson line;
My mother’s Haggart line;
My maternal grandmother’s Munro line;
My paternal grandmother’s Shaw line;
My paternal grandmother’s Mason line;
My son-in-law’s Pagliari/ Visocchi line.
To provide a useful record for future generations, it is important that the data is as full and as factually accurate as possible. Accordingly, any additional information and/ or amendments are more than welcomed.
Equally, if you find an ancestor and have any old photographs you would be willing to share, these will be most gratefully received.
Please help if you can.
Best regards,
Douglas McCreath (Click here for biographical details)