Drummore Creamery

Opened in 1898. 

Like Sandhead, the Drummore Creamery was a cheese factory with a linked piggery, the whey being fed to the pigs. Also like Sandhead it was managed from and regarded as part of the Galloway Creamery.

Manufacturing was discontinued in 1936 and for a time the premises were on lease and eventually sold in 1941 to A. McLelland & Sons Ltd as a cheese and grain store.

Today it is the Public House attached to The Clashwhannon Caravan Park.

It is located to the north of Drummore overlooking Drummore Bay, just before the A716 becomes Stair Street.

Clashwhannon Public House and Caravan Park, 2020. The milk reception platform is the bar entrance.
The chimney has gone and the side building has been extended forwards but the basic shape of the original, as seen in this Canmore Image, is still discernible today.