Whithorn Creamery

Whithorn Creamery was opened in 1902 by the Glasgow-based SCWS as a satellite of its Bladnoch Creamery (opened in 1899). Both establishments were equipped with the latest plant and machinery, including pioneering electrical installations. Margarine, marketed both as ‘Bluebell’ and ‘Snowdrop’, was the chief product.

Whithorn Station and the Whithorn Creamery with its smoking chimney (left centre). Uploaded to Pinterest by Tom (T.Roy) https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/451697037597206796/?nic_v2=1a1ybKQ9U

The creamery at Whithorn closed in 1973/74. The station and the creamery have long since been demolished.

The only remaining link with the site’s former activity is through the name Creamery Cottage on the A746 on the northern edge of the Burgh. Whithorn Community Fire Station also occupies part of the site.