Sheuchan Creamery, Stranraer

Scheuchan Creamery around 1900. Posted on Pinterest by Tom Roy. (

This creamery was built at Sheuchan at the west end of Stranraer, on the shore of Loch Ryan in the late 1880s by James McHarrie, (Duchra) and Provost Young of Stranraer. They formed the Wigtownshire Creamery Company.

Having exported their product into Ulster for a decade, these enterprising men decided to expand their operation across the North Channel. They selected the famous ‘Coo Toon’ of Ballymoney for a brand new purpose-built butter factory. It opened on 16 July 1900.The company continued in business until after the First World War. 

In the 1930s the S.C.W.S. demolished the old Creamery and on the same site built a new one, the most modern of the time. 

When this was closed in 1974 the site was converted into a picnic area as part of a sea-front park.  A plaque on one of the benches records the area’s historic creamery links.