Rosa Visocchi (1952-) married Alastair Bloom (1950-)

Rosa Visocchi was born in 1952. She married Alastair Bloom. Alastair and Rosa had three children:

• David Bloom born 1982.

• Sarah Bloom born 1986.

• Rachel Bloom born 1990.

David Bloom married Shevi Noe (b.1981). They have 4 children – Nathaniel (b. 2004), Zachariah (b. 2006), Rebecca (b. 2009) and Yemima (b. 2015).

Sarah Bloom married Brent David (b. 1986). They have three children – Mia David (b.2008), Eliana David (b.2011), Daniela David (b. 2012).

Rachel Bloom married Alexander Lowy (b. 1990). Click here for photo.