Ella Barbara McCreath (1884-1927) married Marius Berthold Feil (1875-1957)

Ella Barbara (Lal) McCreath was born on 11 May 1884. She married Marius Bertholdt (Bert) Feil in Invercargill in 1916. They had 4 children:

• Raimonda Feil born 24 May 1917

• Bertyl Feil born 7 May 1918

• Casilda Feil born 11 March 1922

• Alberta Feil born 25 December 1923


Ella Barbara McCreath (1884-1927)
Marius b Feil (1875-1957)

Photographs from Ancestry “Feil Family’ tree by John Feil. Ella’s clothes in the photograph attributed to her seem to be late Victorian; is this in fact Jane Dryburgh?